Voice returns its village voicey
Voice returns its village voicey

The site plan and other details of the project will be forwarded to the Village by December. Old Baldy Campus Redesign – Village officials met with Old Baldy representatives to look over the design elements, including the layout of the complex and accessibility from the ferry to the lighthouse. The LGC application will be submitted in November for consideration at the December 7, 2021, LGC meeting. Resolutions will be drafted for approval at the Council meeting on October 22, 2021, to go to the LGC. In conjunction with the bid process, staff will be preparing a draft RFP for bank financing and the amount will need to be included in a Local Government Commission (LGC) application for approval. The architect will review the bids received to make a formal recommendation for the October 22, 2021, Council meeting. The bid opening is scheduled for October 5, 2021.

Voice returns its village voicey update#

New Village Hall Update – The pre-bid meeting for the construction of the new Village Hall is on Tuesday, September 21, 2021.

  • North Bald Head Wynd at public Creek Access.
  • Kinakeet Way from SE Beach Drive to Federal Road.
  • East entrance of Palmetto Cove to stop sign at Federal.
  • Bald Head Island Conservancy intersection.
  • South Bald Head Wynd (top of hill to Federal Road).
  • The Public Services director presented the streets that will be paved which include: Below are a few details on the information he shared:įall Paving Update – The Village’s paving contractor will be doing the scheduled paving that was to take place last fiscal year and the paving scheduled to take place this fiscal year. The Village Manager updated the Council on several items to include updates on fall paving, the new Village Hall, Old Baldy campus redesign, the ADA beach access, Sandpiper Trail relocation, and BOEM wind energy areas. Village Council unanimously adopted a budget amendment to transfer funds to complete Phase I of the contractor services yard improvements. The ordinance provides some exceptions for County, State, or Federal needs (i.e., FEMA/NCEM/Governor/Brunswick County Sheriff, etc.). There was a first reading of an ordinance to regulate the landing of helicopters on Bald Head Island and the Village Council called for a public hearing to take place at the next regular Village Council meeting on October 22, 2021. Under new business, the Village Council adopted a resolution authorizing staff to apply for NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Water Infrastructure for financing the cost of construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion. Masks are required in all Village buildings regardless of vaccination status and the Public Safety Building is closed to the public. The Village did not make any changes to its current response. The Department of Public Safety is making updates in response to additional OSHA standards for emergency personnel. There have been no changes in mandates coming from the State and many local governments are putting their own mandates in place. Village Staff gave an update on COVID-19. The Village Council approved a proclamation for Constitution Week which is recognized from September 17 through September 23. Here is a summary of the information shared and the actions that were taken at this meeting: Regular Council Meeting – The Village Council conducted its regular meeting on Friday, September 17, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. announced new operating guidelines and restrictions for the ferries and trams, this information can be found on the BHI Transportation, Inc.
  • Today, Bald Head Island Transporation, Inc.
  • Masks are required in all other Village buildings regardless of vaccination status.
  • The Public Safety Building is closed to the public.
  • Brunswick County announced it is offering third doses for immunocompromised persons.
  • Vaccinations are still available to everyone ages 12 and up.
  • No changes in State mandates, most have been lifted and many local governments are issuing their own mandates.
  • REMINDERS: IPC/PO will be closed on Saturdays until further notice
  • Commemoration on the 20 th Anniversary of 9/11.
  • Updated procedure for standard forward mail and change of address.
  • voice returns its village voicey

  • Annual change from chloramines to chlorine.
  • Candidates’ forum to be hosted by BHA on Monday, October 11, 2021.
  • Recap of Village Council regular meeting.

  • Voice returns its village voicey